Midt i 'Regulatorisk Apparatur' Mod Crypto, Paul Tudor Jones opretholder Bitcoin-allokering

I et nyligt interview, den anerkendte investor Paul Tudor Jones udtrykte sit perspektiv på bitcoin, anerkender, at der kan være regulatoriske udfordringer forude. Imidlertid, Jones understregede sit urokkelige engagement i den dominerende kryptovaluta, bekræfter, at han fastholder “en lille diversificering” i…

BRICS De-Dollarization Push, Kina, og Crypto truer amerikanske dollars dominans: analytiker

Fitch Solutionsglobal head of country risk has named the rising adoption of cryptocurrencies, the de-dollarization efforts by the BRICS countries, and China’s risingeconomic mightas key factors that erode the U.S. dollar’s dominance over time. He cautioned that China

Warren Buffett sammenligner Bitcoin med hasardspil og kædebreve i det seneste interview

Finance mogul Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in history, discussed bitcoin during an interview on CNBCs Squawk Box on April 12. As he has done in previous interviews, the business magnate likened bitcoin to a gambling scheme and

Amerikansk lovgiver opfordrer regeringen til at garantere alle indskud for at undgå løb på mindre banker

A U.S. congressman has urged the federal government to temporarily insure every bank deposit in the country. Following the collapses of several major banks, he stressed that if the government does not do this, there will be a run on smaller

Mike Novogratz advarer om kreditkriser i USA og globalt - forventer, at Fed vil sænke renten 'snarere end vi tror'

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz has warned of a credit crunch in the U.S. and globally. Emphasizing thatwe are heading into a recession,” he expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest ratessooner than we think.Novogratz on Global Credit

Milliardær 'Bond King' Jeffrey Gundlach forventer, at Fed hæver renterne i næste uge - 'Det ville være den sidste stigning'

Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, aka theBond King,” expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its March meeting next week, whichwould be the last increase,” han sagde. Ud over, Gundlach cautioned: “The inflationary policy is back in play with

Amerikanske inflationsdata letter bekymringerne; Kryptoøkonomi springer 11% Højere, mens markedsanalytikere forventer Feds næste beslutning

USA. Arbejdsministeriet offentliggjorde forbrugerprisindekset (CPI) beretning tirsdag. Selvom inflationen steg i februar år-til-år, stigningen var forventet, og den årlige inflationsrate for alle poster var 6%. Den afkølende inflation har lettet nogle bekymringer, men…

'Fiat er skrøbelig' - Silicon Valley Banks kollaps giver fingerpeg og bekymringer for smitte

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) er blevet centrum for opmærksomheden, efter dets sammenbrud fik U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) at lukke banken fredag. Det var den største U.S. bankkonkurs siden 2008, og forskellige påståede katalysatorer…

Berkshires Charlie Munger siger 'latterligt', at enhver ville købe krypto - 'Det er en absolut rædsel'

Warren Buffett’s right-hand man and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, says people who oppose banning cryptocurrencies areidiots,” adding that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “just ridiculousanybody would buy crypto. He also likened replacing national currencies to replacing air, stating that

Morgan Stanley CEO siger, at inflationen har toppet, og Kina har lavet et stort omdrejningspunkt

Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman says two changes have happened recently thatreally matterto the economy. The executive explained that inflation has clearly peaked and China has made amajor, major pivoteconomically. Morgan Stanley’s CEO on U.S. Economy and